About Me

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An individual, of no great importance, who is unable to see the natural world as a place for competition. I catch fish, watch birds, derive immense pleasure from simply looking at butterflies, moths, bumble-bees, etc - without the need for rules! I am Dylan and this is my blog - if my opinions offend? Don't bother logging on again - simple!

Friday, 6 November 2020

Superb encounter

 I've been working late shifts this week, which means that I'm unable to get the hedgehog food out until around 22.00 hrs, once I've got home. There are still, at least, four individuals visiting the feeding station and it doesn't take more than ten minutes for the first customer to arrive. I got home yesterday and said to Bev, en route to the feeding dish, "I wonder how long we'll have to wait tonight?" I opened my study door only to find one waiting for me. Obviously it wasn't, but that's exactly how I perceived the situation as the animal shuffled towards me and tried to hide behind my storage container. Worried that it might get stuck in the rungs of the loft ladder that is stored behind, I picked the hedgehog up and, once I'd got the dish positioned, placed it right next to the food. 

What happened next was truly remarkable, certainly from my very novice viewpoint. I fully expected it to bolt off into the darkness but oh no! It did no more than start crunching on the Tesco Kitten Biscuits, completely unperturbed by what had happened just seconds before. Absolutely wonderful to witness and yet another little part of the jigsaw put in place. It wasn't too much later when another two, smaller animals, arrived and joined the picnic. I'm amazed by the very simple fact that these superb creatures are coming to my garden and feel completely safe when doing so. I have my study door open and a low level lighting system providing me with the ability to focus the camera kit. The hedgehogs don't care a jot, so long as there is food and water on offer. We've already had a couple of frosts this week, how much longer will they continue to visit? Only one way to find out and I'm well up for that.

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One year into my adventure

 If it hadn't been for the situation created by the pandemic, I'm not too sure that the garden hedgehogs would have played any part ...